• Question: Heather, has your work ever actually achieved anything yet? If so then what and you was it about?

    Asked by vampireatdusk to Heather, Ben, Louisa on 23 Jun 2010 in Categories: . This question was also asked by courts28996, pixie2.
    • Photo: Heather McKee

      Heather McKee answered on 23 Jun 2010:

      Good question-since im in my first year of my PhD i havent actually completed my first study yet so don’t know would be the honest answer! although i have done studies in both my undergrad and my masters, in my undergrad we showed that exercise in a team is more effective than exercising alone for preventing depression and thus suicide risk in young men. In my masters I looked at sedentary behaviour-i.e the amount of time spent sitting(e.g tv, computer,) and its impact on your psychological health as well as physical health!Amount of time spent in sedentary behaviour was linked with depression and negative health such as obesity and markers of heart disease. At the moment im looking at subliminal priming-which is basically how you get people to do things without them being aware of it-as advertising(form of subliminal priming) can influence what we eat, im seeing if i can use it in the opposite direction can we sublimminally get people to loose weight!
