• Question: how is fart created

    Asked by ixabdulxi to Andrew, Ben, Beth, Heather, Louisa on 16 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Andrew McKinley

      Andrew McKinley answered on 16 Jun 2010:

      Farts are the result of bacteria processing our food and releasing gas. Some gas is the result of us swallowing small amounts of air as we eat – most of it comes back out as a burp, but some of it makes its way into the intestines where it emerges ‘at the other end’!
      I’ll say read the answer to your other question for more info!

    • Photo: Beth Dyson

      Beth Dyson answered on 16 Jun 2010:

      The proper name for fart is flatus! And it is made by the same process that makes faeces. Gas trapped in the intestine is passed along until it reaches the rectum and escapes!

    • Photo: Louisa Chard

      Louisa Chard answered on 16 Jun 2010:

      Farts are gases that leave your body and a lot of it is made by bacteria that live in your large intestine and help you to digest food. They are really good for you it is essential that we have these bacteria in our gut. As the bacteria help break down the food that has arrived, they produce gases (some foods make them produce more than others) and these gases leave our systems as a fart! Some of the gas that comes out was also gas that is introduced into your system for example when you eat.
