• Question: Is it fun being a scientist

    Asked by sharman2k10 to Ben, Heather, Louisa on 24 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Ben Still

      Ben Still answered on 24 Jun 2010:

      Great fun. I get to play with big detectors and electronics, meet really interesting people and travel to lots of interesting places.

      And at the end of the day I am doing something that no one else has ever done, ever. I am helping forward the boundaries of human knowledge. That is a great ego boost!

    • Photo: Louisa Chard

      Louisa Chard answered on 24 Jun 2010:

      It really is, it’s interesting and we do different things each day. It feels like a valuable job as well, I think most of us get a buzz from feeling like we are contriuting to the understanding of our universe or the eradication of disease, even in a small way. Also a very flexible job, you decide your own experiements and your own work plan each day which I love. Hope you’ll consider it as a career as there are so many options and so many fields to get into.

    • Photo: Heather McKee

      Heather McKee answered on 24 Jun 2010:

      Yeah definitely, yesterday for example we all got to go and watch the footie in a lecture theatre together-all in the purpose of science as one of the students was measuring our stress reactivity to the game!!

      In general being a scientist opens you up to a world of possibilities-you could be running experiments in the lab one day or off out testing a football team the next. It’s a very diverse career of which you decide where you want to take it! the possibilities are endless!!!
      Yes I suppose like every other job you do have to work sometimes, but if you enjoy what you do it never really feels like work.
