• Question: What do you think caused the big bang?

    Asked by monstermassey93 to Ben on 22 Jun 2010 in Categories: . This question was also asked by jessicatoye.
    • Photo: Ben Still

      Ben Still answered on 22 Jun 2010:

      Awesome question!

      My favourite theory, as we haven’t proven experimentally what is is yet, is that it is the death of a previous Universe; this theory was put forward by Roger Penrose and one of his PhD students. I will attempt an explanation now.

      As a Universe expands and cools it soon reaches a temperature below that of black holes. When this happens the black hole undergoes an explosive death (much the same way that hot air expands) and spews matter and energy into the Universe – just as was predicted to happen in the Big Bang. And so on goes the cycle of Big Bang -> Evolution of the Universe -> Cooling -> Death -> Big Bang. The ultimate reincarnation!
